August 11, 2011

Tim Walker: inspiration

I'm the very first to admit that I'm very stubborn when it comes to, well everything, but i have recently been trying to open my eyes to world and the wierdos in it. I've looked past all the shady work i wouldnt normally take a chance to look at and found out a photographer that i have always liked is actually so much more impressive than i had originally thought.

Tim Walker.
I recently watched a video interview with the man himself at five in the morning, no matter how shattered i actually was, i wasn't going to give into my body cuz i was enjoying it far too much taking so much experience and inspiration. He spoke of how he became interested into photography and how he developed a style and gained experience which has turned him to one of the best fashion photographers living today. The reason i liked the interview so much was how he explained how he took advantage of all the oportunities that came his way and made the most of them. check out the interview here.

I'm going to be doing some shoots in the next coming weeks inspired by his theatrics and grand set designs. Although i wont be shooting in film I'll try my best to replicate his style and presence within his photos.

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