November 29, 2011

Nature's Lovers

Nature's Lovers

 Recently my work, focus and passion has taken a turn in a different direction from my prior projects. I had never recognised how personal some of my previous unpublished projects have been, I realised that the majority of my photographs document my life and myself in one way or another. It may not be clear to everyone how at the moment but I shall be posting a lot more personal in depth posts revealing the darker sides to my own personal life.  From taking a completely new perspective on my work I am planning to create a powerful voice within it that you may or may not agree with, we shall have to wait and see.

Today is the beginning of my yet to be titled project i shall be working on throughout the up and coming year focusing on the harsh reality of life and death of our countries critters. This piece of work will be documenting the way our roads and streets are the graveyards to some of the cutest of beings we often see around. Our ignorance has left us unaware of the graphic sights we see on a daily basis whilst travelling on the roads. We seem to longer seem to have respect for mother nature nor all the damage we are causing so I am producing this personal graphic insight to the destructive ways of our every move.

More News
I have several more projects which I will be developing over the next months.
A photographic documentation of how modern day society and the media expects males and females of a homosexual orientation to be a a certain specific stereotypical way. Being a bender myself I strongly dislike how I am perceived to act, live, and have the personality of this highly conventional manor. If anyone either themselves or know of someone, gays and lesbians, who would like to photographed as part of this series please get in touch as it will be very much appreciated.


September 08, 2011

Dirty Crimes.

So I found out that my Nan got mugged by some moron this week. I really don't, can't or ever will understand the low level of self respect someone must have to commit such a dirty crime; stealing the purse of an elderly woman walking through the centre of town on her own in broad day light, seriously. I'm not in favour in any crimes that they youth par take in but this is on another level to anything else in I've heard of, really it just boggles me it does.

I know from personal experience and growing up with some pretty much some of the low life's of today's society, the kind that you'll latterly expect to see on Jeremy Kyle for one reason or another. I really will adore the day I can finally escape this town, this world, and live in a better place. In many ways I wish i had never moved to England in the first place by now.

the Rudduck family

for Kathleen Rudduck

my German/Spanish spirit Sallie.


September 06, 2011


unfortunately i had my heart broken by someone i had fallen head over heels for 228 days ago to this date, not only broken; torn out and made feel worthless. Yet to this day every time i dream i see his face, whats the use in attempting to recover from breakup if even your conscious fails to see why you should'nt have fallen in the first place. My life has been turned up side down, some for the better and some for the worst, but what i don't understand is how everyone preaches about getting heartbroken can be the biggest lesson learnt. All I've ever learnt was how not to trust anyone and recluse to loneliness. 

God forbid should I ever fall in love again.  

August 30, 2011

i hate briefs

i hate having an itch you just can't reach
and i hate feet
i hate kissing a boy with smelly breath
and i hate me
i hate that monday morning feeling
and i hate briefs
i hate guys in makeup
and i hate liars
i hate having a heart so big that sometimes i get lost in silly things
and i hate having a whole in my heart
i hate lipsinkers
and i hate stereotypes
i hate cutting my finger on the custard tin
and i hate gin

i love laying in bed with my stuffed bears
and i love snuggles
i love jar tarts
and i love pie
i love waking up to the one you love
and i love him
i love listening to Adele, having a wee weep
and i love being a prat
i love singing in the shower so loud i get omplaints from the neighbours
and i love sweets
i love daydreaming in the sunshine 
and i love jacks
i love getting in the mood by running my hand through someones hair
and i love that being done to me

i miss my gran who bought me candy
and i miss having sandy feet
i miss feeling part of somebody's life
and i miss the rebel days
i miss sneaking around early hours for a front door snog
and i miss movie nights with the girls
i miss Suzie
and i miss Lulu too
i miss living in the Mediterranean
and i miss you
i miss my friends back home
and i miss me
i miss sleepless nights due to things i couldn't possibly tell
and i miss rumours 

i want to feel safe and sound
and i want to get wankered
i want to feel accepted for who i am
and i want you out of my head
i want a new leather jacket
and i want some new DM's too
i want to be an icon
and i want to kill
i want to buy some cigarettes
and some booze
i want to have bright blue eyes
and i want a nose job
i want to go to bed soon
and i still want you

August 16, 2011

Molly Vandervell.

So this was my very first shooting using my pretty much new Canon 7D, my baby, although i felt one hundred percent comfortable shooting with this camera i know there are parts and more complex features built in that I'm not fully aware of just yet. Going to have to try allot harder to produce more work that im actually proud of rather than some really quite dismal. My shoot with Molly went really successful and enjoyed every second of it, we even found some miniature Shetland ponys down by the river. Tones of giggles, brambles and blood but all well worth it. These three images are only the first three images i have edited and resized for the web but i can assure that there will rather a lot more to come.  

I'm arranging some big shoots within the next couple of weeks, also shall be trying to make the move from smalltown photographer to bigcity photographer by contacting some agencies and other important people within the industry. Fingers, toes and tits crossed for me please.


August 11, 2011

Tim Walker: inspiration

I'm the very first to admit that I'm very stubborn when it comes to, well everything, but i have recently been trying to open my eyes to world and the wierdos in it. I've looked past all the shady work i wouldnt normally take a chance to look at and found out a photographer that i have always liked is actually so much more impressive than i had originally thought.

Tim Walker.
I recently watched a video interview with the man himself at five in the morning, no matter how shattered i actually was, i wasn't going to give into my body cuz i was enjoying it far too much taking so much experience and inspiration. He spoke of how he became interested into photography and how he developed a style and gained experience which has turned him to one of the best fashion photographers living today. The reason i liked the interview so much was how he explained how he took advantage of all the oportunities that came his way and made the most of them. check out the interview here.

I'm going to be doing some shoots in the next coming weeks inspired by his theatrics and grand set designs. Although i wont be shooting in film I'll try my best to replicate his style and presence within his photos.

August 09, 2011

Tree creatures.

 So today i spent the afternoon with one of my favourite people around, one of my closest friends Lauren, future R&B superstar or perhaps the next Nanny McFee, quite possibly. We spent the afternoon chatting about the most obsserd of things, climbed some trees and listening to some cheap eighties covers over chips and the nicest piss tasting energy drinks selling a the cheapskate store in town. Liking the simple life right now, taking my mind off the tragic happenings in London right now, riots galore here there and everywhere, soon to be popping out my ears im sure of it. It's a disaster and makes me ashamed to be British. I never want to associate myself with such vile human beings, make me sick.

August 05, 2011


stripped bare.

sick to the bone with people bitching and screaming that im not who i say i am

A man and his mut.

Everybody knows that canine are supposedly a mans best friend, well i can reassure you that that fact is in fact so very true it's unbelievable. I love Sammie, he is the best friend, companion, anyone could ever have; doesn't judge, doesn't mock, doesn't fall out with you over boys, but does make you feel so warm when you're rock bottom in loneliness.

Bleached my eyebrows. byebye goth. hello wildthing.

August 04, 2011

Rolling in the bull shit.

So Mr Sam rolled in what i can only describe as dead people mixed with shit.
Yet he manages to make even that looks so adorable.