March 22, 2012



So today was my interview at Falmouth University and i had great expectations for the University and the town itself. However I can only say I was merely disappointed with Falmouth in gerenal. At first i was pretty taken back by how beautiful everywhere was and how hilly it is too - barely seen any hills down in the Cambs, well there's like literally none- so although it's beautiful and on the coast i didn't feel that it would keep me entertained for the three years that I'm on the course. The course itself was great as well as the facilities and the staff but if im going to commit to a course I think the obvious thoughts are that you want to feel like you would feel at home constantly, but I don't think it would. It reminded me of the days of when i used to live abroad minutes from the beach, it seems all idyllic at first but once you've spent quite a while there it gets ever so mundane and saying all this i can only see myself soon after arriving after exploring everywhere and thinking what next?

So settling on the idea that i don't think Falmouth is going to be my cup of tea I'm going to focus on my city based universities that I've planned for, if any of you are like me and like an adventure and to explore I'm pretty sure living one of our nations biggest cities would be well suited to that; plus I've never lived in the city so that's right up my street. I like change and new things happening to me so the city I would gather could offering that in terms of excitement and not meaning i have this lack of interest.

Enough about rabbiting on about all that nonsense at least the actual interview went well apart from the grilling which i totally wasn't expected, I turned into a right jittery mess a big bag of nerves. The interviewer lady person thingy head of the course person asked me about historical artists of which I could reference  and why they have influenced me and what differences does my work have to theirs. Well firstly.. I take photos and secondly, I don't know I'm no intellect, calm down with your on the spot trip me up type of questions, all such jargon to me, yadda yadda yadda. Anyway if anyone has any type of response to her question feel free to tell me because I haven't got a clue; I can take an alright photo, maybe draw a pretty alright nude but don't come flying at me with something about history and context, that is one lesson I by far visit land of nod the most in.  

Best thing about today was that Fearne Cotton wished me luck live on Radio One which was pretty neat and turned me into a giddy mess for quite some time. Just the fact she called me a darling live to the nation sent me sky high. I'm going to have to find it and link it for sure, definitely down in my list of achievements (fail).


  1. cool blog ! def following :)

  2. Your style is very cool.

  3. I go to Falmouth Uni, although it may not have been for you, I can say with certainty that I have never been bored! there is so much to do, and the fxu is fantastic for putting events on. :)
