January 25, 2012


I need your gobs. I'm developing a project revolved around the use of our mouths; the normal uses, the perverted uses, the more unusual uses. This series will be on going for a long time producing near to the hundred mark in terms of photographs I wish to have by the completed project.

If you think you would like to take part in this project just leave a comment below or speak to me personally so I can arrange a small shoot to produce the photos. I would just like to say I'm not looking for anything in specific and nothing one dimensional, in fact more towards to the complete opposite of the spectrum. the idea is to capture as many differences in terms of the way we look, our confidence in front of the camera, the way we interact with others and other objects and so forth. 

I will by the end constructed a large scale library of images show casing a huge variety in our species. The photograph above is just a simple one I took of myself as a starting point to my project so by any means don't think the whole series will be as bland as that one. I'll be looking forward to the end result and hope some of you will turn this into something well worth my time.


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