December 04, 2012


Recently moving to the city from the country side it has been a huge step in and part of my life. So much change, surrounded by so many new extraordinary people. It's fair to say it has been hard at times but none the less I've been having the time of life.

'Blur' is a short project I shot over the first couple of weeks of university life; infamous for the drink fueled antics that go out. This is a short but sweet narrative into the life of the Manchester student life, a collective of disposed or gathered items from all too fun beginning of a new era for me.

'..going to the lavy.. don't be daft goin' for a cheeky toilet swig.'


'Pants Off Legs Open.'

'..would anybody know why I have woken up cuddled up to ladypads?!'
'... '

'..who's that?'
'It's my daughter.. I love my daughter I do'

Ear wounds 

November 22, 2012


There has been an extreme lack of blogging on my behalf in the last couple of months but all will soon tumble back into place with new mediums and a whole new visual from me. 

dark art. a whole new being.

September 13, 2012

Thursday 13th

So I'm moving to Manchester this upcoming Saturday to study at university however we were presented with a ice breaker task to produce some work inspired by one of your favourite photographers or photographs.  I chose to do mine inspired by the work of Nick Knight; I have idolised him ever since I fell in love with photography so it felt right to chose him to dedicate this piece of work to.

August 24, 2012


So I went away for five days this weekend and two first time I took my camera out with me I managed to fall arse over tit; I survived with a bit of drawn blood, few cuts and bruises however I broke the only decent lens I went along with, but here are the couple of photos I took whilst it was in one piece. I've got a lot of love for this boy. xx

August 23, 2012

The weekend.

This evening i returned from the most beautiful weekend away with someone very special to me that I had to let go of today . For the past six months I've had the pleasure of spending time with and speaking to day in and day out to someone who unknowingly i would fall pretty deep for.

This weekend has been unforgettable, lying on on the beach under the starry night sky listening to the waves crash, holding my lovers hand watching the fireworks over the yacht festival on the Isle of White with the smell of a hundred barbecues burning away sipping on bottled cider and smoking on Mayfair Smooth before heading home for bed time. Or riding along coast one our bikes ignoring all of the no cycling signs and grabbing icecreams on the rocks up before taking a dip into one of many muggy lakes in our underpants jumping upon one another just like they do in the movies. But even more simpler, the times we spent just dossing in bed just looking into each others eyes wasting time away not giving two shits about anything else, if i could pause time then that's when i would do so. nothing compares.

I could go on for hours talking about the lovely times I've spent, but i wanted to post this to make you all so very jealous of me and how much of a lucky boy i am. this was just one weekend at the end of our relationship,  you can only imagine the amazing times we've spent together. I'll miss those times, but looking back now only fills me with delight knowing no matter how far away or how long it may be till we meet again, i know for sure that there will be so many more of those times to come in the future when it'll be just 'us' again.

that's enough of soppy Jac for now..

June 12, 2012

Crucifixion week.

 Thought i would keep you all up to date with everything with this post. I am part of an exhibition being held at UCP Peterborough on 26th which is running for a week. I've been shooting vigorously for this show so i would appreciate anybody take the time to come visit me and other great artists.

So this week ive been shooting a tremendous amount as well as location scouting and experimenting with such and such. These image are only taken in the Instagram app on my android, so youll have to come and see the final images at the exhibition. My show and work has developed and is forever evolving. My piece has heavy relgious influences now, telling such biblical stories such as that of Moses, the crucifixion, and other more.

These images are not final images or edits just a over view of what i have been shooting this week. they 
are not to be used without my permission, copy-written to my name.

Me on set at the lake.  Freezing my bits off.

Just me in the lake actually freezing the bits off. never again shall i do this. swear down.

This is a mock up of what shall be to expected of me at the exhibition.

And oh yeah, got my ear peirced the other week. thought i'd share that from an out take from today.